If you own a website, chances are you’ve encountered an issue with domain forwarding. This can happen when your parked domain doesn’t forward to the correct page on your site. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to resolve this issue yourself.

In this article, we will explain the steps necessary for resolving a parked domain not forwarding to its intended page within cPanel. We will go over how to:

  • Identify the parked domain
  • Access your cPanel account
  • Edit and update the DNS Zone File settings
  • Test that everything is working correctly.

Identify the Parked Domain

Identifying the parked domain is essential in order to ensure the correct page is being directed to. To do this, you’ll need to log into cPanel and look at your Domain Registration, as well as DNS Management.

The Domain Registration will show all domains registered with your account, while the DNS Management tab will provide you with information about any domain that’s been pointed to your hosting server. If you see a parked domain listed on either of these tabs, then it is likely that the incorrect page is being directed when someone types in that domain name.

Once identified, you can take steps to forward this parked domain to the intended destination page so visitors can get where they need to go quickly and easily. In order for this redirect procedure to work properly, both of these sections must be accurately configured with a valid A record pointing towards the IP address of your website.

Additionally, if using an external DNS provider instead of cPanel’s NameServer service for managing domains, then these settings should also be checked for accuracy. This configuration will ensure that visitors are able to find their way to your intended destination without any issues or delays due to incorrect forwarding settings in place on the server side.

To verify everything has been set up correctly and is working as expected, it’s always best practice to test out different scenarios such as typing in different versions of URLs (with/without www) or using a web crawling tool like Screaming Frog SEO Spider which can detect any potential redirection issues before going live with changes made from within cPanel.

Access Your cPanel Account

Now that you’ve accessed your cPanel account, let’s take the next step to ensure your domain is pointing in the right direction. The first thing you’ll need to do is locate and select the ‘Domains’ section within your cPanel homepage.

Once you’re there, click on the ‘Forwarding’ option which will display all of your parked domains. From here, follow any instructions provided by cPanel to configure domain forwarding for your website. This process may involve entering a URL address or selecting a previously created page from one of the dropdown menus.

Make sure that any changes are saved before moving onto the next step of setting up domain forwarding. Once you’ve finished configuring your domain in cPanel, it’s important to check that it’s working correctly by accessing and testing out each link on different web browsers and devices.

If everything looks correct, then congratulations – you’ve successfully resolved a parked domain not forwarding to its intended destination!

Edit the DNS Zone File

Editing your DNS Zone File is an important step in resolving a parked domain that isn’t forwarding to the correct page. You’ll need to add an A Record and change the CNAME Record for the domain to ensure it forwards correctly.

To do this, you’ll need to access your cPanel account and find the Zone Editor. Here, you can update these records.

Add an A Record

You can think of an A Record like a signpost in the digital highway – it tells visitors where to go when they arrive at your domain name.

For example, I recently had an issue with a client’s website not taking visitors to the right page. By adding an A Record, we were able to point them in the right direction and get their website up and running quickly!

When managing DNS and hosting services, adding an A Record is essential. It helps with pointing visitors in the right direction when they access a domain name, ensuring that domains are pointing to the correct web pages or IP address, and providing reliable hosting services for websites.

Change the CNAME Record

Ready to take your website to the next level? Changing your CNAME Record is a great way to ensure that visitors can access the site quickly and easily!

When troubleshooting why a parked domain isn’t forwarding to the correct page in cPanel, it’s important to identify the cause first. One of these causes might be an incorrect CNAME record, which can easily be fixed by logging into your cPanel account and navigating to the DNS Zone Editor.

From there, you’ll need to locate the current CNAME record and make sure it matches with what you’ve set as your destination URL. If they don’t match, simply update them so that they do and save your changes.

Troubleshooting strategies like this are essential when dealing with technical issues such as resolving a parked domain not forwarding properly in cPanel.

It’s also important to note that if updating or changing other records such as A Records or Nameservers could potentially affect how quickly visitors can access your website. Be sure to double-check all records before making any changes, just so you’re aware of what impact those changes will have on the overall performance of your website.

Update the DNS Settings

To get your domain up and running, let’s take a look at updating the DNS settings. Updating your DNS settings involves a few steps:

  • Check your registrar to make sure you have the correct name server information.
  • Analyze logs to identify any errors or issues that may be causing the problem.
  • Troubleshoot any errors that are found in order to resolve them.

Ensure that all records are pointing to the correct destination IP address. Verify that all CNAME and A Records are configured properly. Confirm that all MX Records point to the right mail exchange server.

  • Test the changes to ensure everything is working as expected.
  • Run diagnostic tests on each record type.
  • Examine site traffic logs for any unexpected redirects or page errors.

After completing these steps, you can rest assured knowing your domain is correctly set up and ready for use. However, if you experience any further issues, it’s recommended to contact customer support for assistance.

Test the Domain Forwarding

Now that you’ve updated the DNS settings, it’s time to test the domain forwarding.

Domain mapping involves setting up a website so that requests for a certain domain name will be directed to the correct page. This can be done by creating appropriate DNS records in cPanel, which you’ve already done.

To ensure your domain is properly mapped and forward correctly, visit the new domain in your browser to see if it redirects to the correct page. If everything is configured correctly, then you should see the web page associated with Domain Name appear in your browser when visiting the new URL.

Make sure all of your links work properly as well and check if any elements on the page are not loading or displaying correctly.

If everything appears as expected, then congratulations! You’ve successfully set up domain forwarding using cPanel and resolved any issues related to parked domains not forwarding correctly.

Now all visitors who come across this new URL will be redirected directly to its intended destination without issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access my cPanel account?

Managing your cPanel account can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but with the right steps in place, you’ll soon be able to access it quickly and easily.

When setting up an account, take into consideration what passwords you use and how often you reset them for added security. Make sure that each password is secure, complex, and unique.

If you ever forget your password or need help resetting it, there are detailed instructions available to walk you through the process step-by-step.

With these tips in mind, managing your cPanel account will be an organized and technical process that’s straightforward and safe.

What is the best way to edit the DNS Zone File?

Editing your DNS zone file is a crucial step in setting up your hosting plans and domain registration. The best way to do this is by accessing the cPanel account associated with the domain.

Navigate to the ‘DNS Zone Editor’ page. Here, you can make changes to existing records or add new ones. After making the necessary changes, click on ‘Save Zone File’ at the bottom of the page for these changes to take effect.

It’s important that any edits made are accurate. Incorrect information can cause issues with websites loading correctly or emails not being delivered properly.

How long does it take for the DNS Settings to update?

When it comes to setting limits on how long domain registration takes for DNS settings to update, the answer is not cut and dry. It can depend on a variety of factors such as the size of the network, the number of changes being made, or even technical elements like caching.

As an example, let’s say you’ve updated your DNS information within your cPanel account. You may find that after 24-48 hours, the new information has propagated across all servers in your network and is now resolving correctly. However, if you’d made several changes at once—such as updating multiple records—it can take up to 72 hours or more for those changes to take effect globally.

What should I do if the domain forwarding does not work?

If you’ve registered a domain and set up its name servers, but forwarding isn’t working, try a few things.

First, make sure your domain registration is complete and the name servers are correct.

Then check if the web hosting service is configured properly.

Finally, double-check if any redirects or A records are set up correctly for the domain to forward to its destination.

If none of these steps help, contact customer support for assistance.

Are there any risks associated with resolving a parked domain?

When it comes to domain security, you must consider the risks associated with resolving a parked domain. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed".

DNS management is key when making sure that your domains are secure and pointing in the right direction. When resolving parked domains, there can be risks such as hijacking or malicious redirects if proper precautionary steps aren’t taken.

Make sure that your DNS records are properly configured and you have a reliable hosting provider who can assist you with any issues quickly and effectively.


Your domain issue’s been resolved! You can now enjoy the benefits of having a parked domain that correctly forwards to the desired page.

It’s as if you’ve opened a door to a new world of possibilities – and with just a few simple steps, you’ve made it happen.

Your hard work’s paid off, and now you’ve got the satisfaction of knowing your website’s up-to-date and working properly.

Congratulations on tackling this challenging problem head-on – now go out there and make the most of it!